Guideboats & Singles

The world of sliding-seat rowing will enchant and challenge you for a lifetime. With 30 years of sculling experience in open water singles, guideboats and racing singles, a 2x veteran of the 25 mile Blackburn Challenge can bring you the incredible world of open water rowing.

Instruction and/or Touring  2 hrs for $160

(a second rower can be added for $70)

Intro to Rowing on the Awesome Kennebec Estuary

Check out this fun video

introducing the 15 ft Adirondack Guideboat

25 minute Video for Indoor Rowing Workouts: Rowing the Wintech 1x on the Kennebec Estuary (Squirrel Point Route) 

27 minute Video for Indoor Rowing Workouts:  the Wintech 1x (Kennebec Estuary, Maine; Perkins Island Route; POV)

25 minute Video for Indoor Rowing Workouts: the 15 ft Guide Boat with Winnie the Dog (Kennebec River, Maine, Perkins Island Route, POV)

38 minute Video for Indoor Rowing Workouts: the 15 ft Guide Boat with Winnie the Dog (Kennebec River, Maine, Perkins Island Route, POV)